Ways Of Life
ways of life

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AS CRITICAL ISSUES FOR ALTERNATIVE WAYS OF LIFE John Irvine and lan Miles Introduction It is clear that one of the central and. In the winter they lived in longhouses, a type of housing made out of bark and wood where a family and. In the spring/summer they lived in wigwams, a dome-shaped hut or tent made by fastening mats, skins, or bark over a framework of poles. The Algonquian lived in two different types of homes depending on which season it was.

John Hardon, S.J.) – The Purgative Way is the primary stage in mental prayer, according to the teachings of the great Carmelite mystics St. The sand must be emptied, the vessel cleaned, and then there is room enough for the gold of God’s presence. Look at it this way: If a box is filled with sand, it cannot be filled with gold. Those who seek union with God must realize that such union, while always the gift of God, still requires a process, often painful, that must “pave the way” for that union. Charles Pope)A culture is a way of life of a group of people-the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them.In one’s spiritual journey, Catholic spirituality generally notes three basic “ways” or “stages” of the interior life (or spiritual life) through which the soul must pass that draws one into deeper union with God: the Purgative, the Illuminative, and the Unitive.

The distractions of the world must be diminished and wrongful passions, attachments, and evil inclinations must be subjugated so that we can more easily overcome temptations and preserve and exercise the virtue of charity. The disorder caused by sin must be set aright by the Lord, for a disordered soul cannot perceive or appreciate well enough the glory and beauty of God. Charles Pope) – In this stage, our desires and affections must be “purged” of attractions to sin. The Purgative Stage (Msgr.

The Illuminative Way (Fr. The main virtue to be cultivated within this purgative stage is humility, which helps us be aware of our own weakness and our dependence on the grace of God. We also seek to diminish our natural shrinking from pain and to develop a repugnance to whatever is contrary to the will of God. We seek to diminish and “purge” the attraction of wrongful or excessive pleasures.

But purgation is still somewhat incomplete, and the purification of the senses is not yet completed. Love is stronger and the soul seeks progress in the spiritual life and in all the virtues. In this stage, the mind becomes more and more enlightened (“illumined”) to spiritual things and the practice of virtue. Charles Pope) – Those in this stage have made progress and have their passions better under control of the will, so that they more easily keep themselves from mortal sin, but they still do not easily avoid venial sins since they still take pleasure in earthly things and are distracted by various imaginations and desires, not all of which are necessarily unlawful, but which may get in the way of a deeper union with God. The Illuminative Stage (Msgr. Also called the “Way of the Proficients,” the main feature of the Illuminative Way is enlightenment of the mind in the ways of God and a clear understanding of His will in one’s own state of life.

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265, 452, 553 and from the article On the Purgative, Illuminative and Unitive Stages of the Spiritual Life, by Msgr. Reprinted and Published by Eternal Life, Bardstown, Kentucky, Second Printing, 2001, p. John Hardon, S.J., ©1999 Inter Mirifica.

ways of life